Tender Moments With Jesus

"I have come to cast fire upon the earth and how I wish it were already kindled!" Luke 12:49


Beginnings - for all of us - yes! GOD - no beginning......no end! We were made in Their Image and Likeness and we are offered Eternal Life - no end!

Let us be thankful and grateful!

Since 'my return to life,' JESUS desires me to write down and to share some of 'our' tender moments.

Before we begin, though, I was blessed to be able to attend the Eucharistic Revival Congress in July, 2024 with very dear friends and, through the grace of GOD, met new ones, too! Praise GOD! Flowing with the HOLY SPIRIT from that Eucharistic gathering and being led by JESUS, we were to begin in Saint Louis an 'organic' movement of Devotion and Evangelization to become 'saints.' Thus the prayer movement, Eucharistic Prayer Companions of JESUS, Mary and Joseph, was begun. It was to honor Our Lady of Fatima's request for Rosary, Prayers of Reparation on the 5 First Saturdays, and include prayer to the HOLY FACE of JESUS. On September 7th, we began at the New Cathedral. Now, we are led to begin the Fatima Devotions for Families on February 1, 2025 at Little Flower Church. For details, please see the website: www.CentreForMercy.org/epc

Now, turning back to the pages of my youth, the beginning for me - When I was younger, I often wondered why a loving FATHER would offer His Son as a Living Sacrifice and have Him suffer such a horrible and painful death. Then on Holy Thursday night, 1976, and while praying in Church, I heard an audible voice, "Don't you know how much I love you? My Son died for you." The beginning for me...what a grace-filled transforming moment.

Then years later, I was on a retreat for those interested in Youth Ministry. After receiving Holy Communion, we were quietly giving thanks. I had my eyes closed and head bowed, when I heard an audible voice: "You are welcome." I opened my eyes and all were in a prayerful position with heads bowed. Another beginning for me...

JESUS desired that we have a birth meditation for all to be reminded of Their Love for us. Through the HOLY SPIRIT with JESUS's direction 'GOD's Precise Moment' was created.

*1 www.centreformercy.org/godsprecisemoment

There are more stories. However, I want to begin with learning to listen - so as to encourage you to strive and seek Our Eternal GOD, Who waits for us.*2 And sometimes, as with me, He enters in a moment - and begins and begins and begins again - waiting for us in each 'present moment.' Mostly and for our part, all we have to do is to 'be still' and choose to invite Him to be with us.

*2 www.centreformercy.org/listeningtoGod

JESUS often reminds me, "My Grace will always be sufficient. Trust."

"When you live in the 'present moment,' you are entering the 'Eternal Now.' *3

*3 Our website: www.centreformercy.org/thelevel will explain living in the 'present moment' more fully.
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Now for our conversations and sharings:

When JESUS is speaking with me, He is truly speaking to the one who is receiving and sharing in these conversations - You!

I asked JESUS, "Why did you create Me?" "Because I love You and wanted You to live forever in Heaven with US! You belong to US! You are Ours, as a Beloved and Cherished Child!"

One day in prayer, I was thanking JESUS for my journey. He responded, "Judy, it's not your journey." "Whose journey is it?" I replied. "It's MY Journey." "How did I get on Your Journey?" "When you were Baptized."

I said, "Sometimes it seems so easy to follow You, LORD, yet, in trials or sufferings, it is most difficult." JESUS responded, "Since you live in a fallen world, life can seem difficult for you. You must remember that WE are Family; at your Baptism you began your life's journey to your Eternal Home. WE began 'your' family when you were conceived from OUR LOVE - in OUR IMAGE and LIKENESS. At Baptism, you received an indelible mark to make and complete your pilgrimage of life toward Heaven. You became a child of the Royal, Eternal Family of GOD. In Baptism, My Life of the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords is hidden in yours.

Also, each person has been given their own, personal Guardian Angel.*4 Pray daily, first thanking GOD for him and thanking your Angel for his accompanying you. Let your Guardian Angel become your friend, in drawing closer to ME - JESUS *4 www.centreformercy.org/guardianangels

Always remember your Heavenly FAMILY. Each one has a most Generous and Benevolent FATHER, Who called each one forth through ME, the SON, Who became Incarnate, Suffered, Died and Rose from the dead; and the HOLY SPIRIT, Who gives breath and life.

Then, one also has the cohorts of Holy Angels and Saints, and generations of Family Members, who are always available at any time, for any need. Simply pause and enter into the present moment and be still. Especially at the Eucharist and the Consecration, be aware of HEAVEN's Presence with the Souls in Purgatory. www.lastcallp23.org (scroll down to 'the Veil Removed )

Silence is OUR Language. Prayer - being still and recognizing the threshold of the present moment of OUR Kingdom with this, your intimate time with US, helps one in your times of daily life. Especially in Eucharistic Adoration, one will experience 'Peace' - Who is ME - JESUS. Come often, visit and rest, be refreshed and loved!

I have given "GOD's Glow' as a beginning aid. *5 *5 www.centreformercy.org/Godsglow

One morning, I woke up to hearing JESUS say, "There is no other way to learn than to live it! There is no other way to learn than to live it! Love consumes like fire. Love transforms. Love cannot be contained.

I desire to consume you - for you to become totally Mine! Totally ME! In Love you find yourself - you become the person you were designed and created to be!

Truly one becomes One with US, when one is freely drawn into the Flame of OUR LOVE. How does this happen? A log or piece of wood cannot be on fire unless it - or I should say the fire comes to the wood. Green or unseasoned wood does not burn - it was not created to burn - only dry, seasoned wood can burn - can draw from it what it was created to do - to give warmth and light!

You are a candle - WE created you to be the wick! The wick cannot light itself. OUR Flame of LOVE - Our Fire can only begin your life! You were - in essence - created to be consumed! Consumed in and by OUR LOVE - the ETERNAL LOVE made Manifest and Incarnate - Divine consumes the human - GOD becoming man! The Divine - ME - JESUS - becoming man.

In consuming ME, you become who you are created to be - in the end and you are - at death - consumed by the AUTHOR of LIFE. Death is not an end, but a beginning - an eternal beginning of the fullness of Life and of Love. In death, you are grasped - whisked from the illusion of this world and drawn and taken to the reality to which you were created from - created in Love - in the IMAGE and Likeness of US!" JESUS: All around you are illusions - I desire that you draw others to a deeper level of reality. It is in the present moment - in the stillness of one's heart that one will experience ME/US.

What does one seek? What do you seek? Whom do you seek? - the LOVE and Presence of GOD? WE are always found in the Blessed Sacrament - in the Tabernacle!"

Inspired by JESUS: "The Beauty of Life - everything is only a little dimension of Heaven. Everything on earth is of a smaller dimension - a littleness - a small essence of its counterpart in Heaven, for lack of a better word. The only thing of the fullness of its essence is the WORD of GOD! The WORD is the Fullness of GOD - JESUS - is the Fullness and Total Essence of GOD! When you receive JESUS in the Eucharist, you are receiving the Fullness of GOD - His LOVE and His MERCY.

In the world, everything is diminished - because it does not have the fullness of GOD - again except The WORD. The WORD - the BODY and BLOOD of CHRIST is the Fullness of GOD! IT can never be diminished! IT is complete! IT lacks nothing! You will learn to comprehend what I am teaching you through GOD's LOVE and MERCY."

And, as Jesus recently told me that when receiving Him Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in Holy Communion, we also receive the HOLY SPIRIT, Who is the Essence of Life and the Eternal FATHER, Who creates through Him & deeply Cherishes us.

I then found these Scriptures:
"It is the SPIRIT Who gives Life." John 6:63

"I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Then we pray in the Nicene Creed:
"I believe in the HOLY SPIRIT, the LORD, the Giver of Life."

We are to unite our hearts with His - to unite the electrical impulses of our heart with His Heart's impulses. "When you unite yourself with ME, you are receiving the 'Essence of LIFE' - Who is the HOLY SPIRIT. You are ALSO receiving the ETERNAL FATHER, Who loves you! You and All of OUR Beloveds receive the MOST BLESSED TRINITY with every Holy Communion!"

"It is time to share your Love of US with others! It is a time of new beginnings with US! WE are not a hidden GOD, but only to those who do not seek US! WE await you and others in each present moment. It is here, that each day and at every moment, you stand at the threshold of your ETERNAL HOME, HEAVEN!
