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A way of deepening our prayer/conversation
and being drawn into the Mystery
of GOD's Love and Mercy
with Our Eternal Family

Imagine a candle and place yourself in the middle as a w.i.c.k.
(wonderful, indescribable, cherished, kid)

At our Baptism, we are "lit" by GOD to be His Light as priest, prophet and king, becoming His Glow in the world.

"You are the Light of the world." Matthew 5:14

Now think of a clock...

Begin by signing yourself: In the Name of the FATHER, and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT.
With each Person, share and pray what is in your heart ~



      1 My Guardian Angel
  •7 Glory Be's in honor of our Guardian Angel.
  •Guardian Angel Prayer:
          Angel of God,
          my guardian dear,
          To whom God's love
          commits me here,
          Ever this day,
          be at my side,
          To light and guard,
          to rule and guide. Amen

  •Isaiah 11:2-3 (7 Glory Be's to receive His Gifts).
      Sunday:          Wisdom
      Monday:         Understanding
      Tuesday:         Counsel
      Wednesday:    Fortitude
      Thursday:       Knowledge
      Friday:            Fear/Awe of the LORD
      Saturday:        Piety (remembering our Blessed Mother)

      5 Saint Joseph
  •Pray with the heart for protection of Holy Mother Church and all families

      7Blessed Mother
  •Hail, Holy Queen
   (JESUS: When you pray the Hail Mary, you are uniting your prayer with the Angel Gabriel)

      9 JESUS
  • Morning Offering
  • Our FATHER
  • Anima Christi
  • JESUS, I trust in You;
  • JESUS, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything.

     11 Saint Michael
  • Prayer to Saint Michael
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou oh prince of the Heavenly Host cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
  • Inviting Saints to intercede, praying with Ancestors, the Souls in Purgatory and for all GOD'S children, especially our families and friends.
  • Conclude with the Creed and Sign of the Cross

"I AM the LIGHT of the world.
Whoever follows ME will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life."
John 8:12
With your faith eyes and when you have completed your heart prayers/conversation,
sense the embrace of Your Heavenly FAMILY,
enfolding you with GOD's Love & Mercy,
and surrounding You with GOD's Glow, radiating to All.

"See" yourself in an 'impenetrable globe of Light'.
When I was praying and concluded by being encircled 'with Heaven', I was filled with His Peace.
Then I saw a huge fire ball of rock hurtling toward me. I was not afraid.
When it 'touched' the 'GOD's Glow', it shattered into tiny shards of embers, which quickly disappeared.
GOD's Glow was immovable. Then I heard, "Remember, even the fires of hell will not prevail against you."
Conclude with Thanksgiving and the Sign of the Cross.
Take time to pray to become God's glow.

         In gratitude to God and our prayer companions.

Click to watch a beautiful Advent/Christmas movie - The Christmas Candle
If you'd like, fast forward to 1 hour 31 minutes. Maybe God's glow?

Click to watch Susan Boyle, Roman Catholic, sing the Miracle Hymn