

-When Ivan was in St. Louis in 2013 at Our Lady of Sorrows, he requested that we all pray a Hail Mary every day for the visionaries.
-What is Medjugorje? Click here to read more.
-Short inspirational Medjugorje here
-Early 1981 Medjugorje here

Note: Messages are translated from the original Croatian before being received by Centre for Mercy.

Jan 25, 2025
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children! In this year of grace, I am calling you to conversion. Put God, dear children, in the center of your living and the fruits will be love towards neighbor and joy of witnessing; and the holiness of your life will become a true witness of faith. Thank you for having responded to my call. (With Ecclesiastical approval)

Dec 25, 2024
Our Lady's Annual Message to Jacov

"Today, on this day of grace, in a special way I am calling you not to live a life striving for earthly goals and not to seek peace and joy in earthly things, because in this way darkness takes over your life and you do not see the meaning of your life. Little children, open the doors of your hearts to Jesus, permit Him to take over your entire life so that you may begin to live in God's love and mercy. My children, only with Jesus in your hearts will you come to know the true goal of your life and long for eternal salvation. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing.” (Our lady appeared at 2:45 pm for eight minutes.)

Dec 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children! Pray, pray, pray that peace may begin to reign in every heart and prevail over every evil and peacelessness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Nov 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children! In this time of the grace of expectation, I desire to call you to prayer for Advent to be prayer of the family. In a special way, little children whom I tenderly embrace, I encourage you to prayer for peace in the world; for peace to prevail over peacelessness and hatred. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Oct 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children! At this time, when you are celebrating the day of All Saints, seek their intercession and prayers so that in union with them, you may find peace. May the Saints be your intercessors and example, that you imitate them and live holily. I am with you and intercede before God for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Sep 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children! God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Aug 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children! Today, my prayer with you is for peace. Good and evil are fighting and want to prevail in the world and in the hearts of people. You be people of hope and prayer and of great trust in God the Creator to Whom everything is possible. Little children, may peace prevail in you and around you. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing that you, little children, may be joy for all those whom you meet. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Jul 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"My dear children, with joy I have chosen you and am leading you, because in you, little children, I see people of faith, hope and prayer. May you, little children, be led by the pride that you are mine, and I am leading you to Him, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And I am with you so that peace may win in you and around you, because it is with this intention God has sent me to you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Jun 25, 2024
Our Lady's Yearly Message to Ivanka

"My children, pray, pray, pray. Receive my motherly blessing.”

Jun 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
I rejoice with you and thank God for permitting me to be with you, to lead you and love you. Little children, peace is in danger and the family is under attack. I am calling you, little children: return to prayer in the family. Put Sacred Scripture in a visible place and read it every day. Love God above all that it may be good for you on earth. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

May 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. Little children, create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy. Little children, you are still far away. Therefore continue to convert anew and choose the way of holiness and hope so that God may give you peace in abundance. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Apr 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
I am with you to tell you that I love you and to encourage you to prayer; because Satan is strong and every day his strength is stronger through those who have chosen death and hatred. You, little children, be prayer and my extended hands of love for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Mar 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
In this time of grace, pray with me for the good to win in you and around you. In a special way, little children, pray united with Jesus on His Way of the Cross. Into your prayers put this humanity which wanders without God and without His love. Be prayer, be light, and be witnesses to all those whom you meet, little children, so that the merciful God may have mercy toward you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Mar 18, 2024
Our Lady's Annual Message to Mirjana

"Dear children,
by the merciful love of God, I am with you. Therefore, as a mother, I am calling you to believe in love – the love that is union with my Son. With love you help others to open their hearts to come to know my Son and to come to love Him. My children, love makes it for my Son to illuminate your hearts with His grace, to grow in you and to give you peace. My children, if you live love, if you live my Son, you will have peace and you will be happy. In love is victory. Thank you.”

Feb 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
Pray and renew your heart so that the good which you have sown may bear the fruit of joy and oneness with God. Darnel has seized many hearts and they have become unfruitful;
(Note from this website: Darnel is a rye grass which looks much like wheat in its early stages of growth. A weed. Note Matthew 13:24-30 the Parable of the weeds.)
Therefore, you little children, be light, love and my outstretched hands in this world which yearns for God Who is love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Jan 25, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
May this time be a time of prayer.”

This is SERIOUS. This is only the 2nd time Our Lady has not thanked us since the Monthly messages began in 1985! The only other time she did not thank us AND also had a message this short was Oct 25, 1991: "Dear children! Pray! Pray! Pray!"

Jan 1, 2024
Our Lady's Message to Marija

Marija said: "Our Lady came joyfully, she prayed over us, for our intentions. Our Lady said:
'Thank you for answering my call and praying for my intentions. You will not regret it, neither you nor your children nor your children’s children.'

Dec 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Jacov

"Dear children!
Today with my Son in my arms, I desire to call all of you to pray to the little Jesus for the healing of your heart. Children, often in your hearts sin rules which destroys your life and you can not feel God's presence. Therefore, on this day of grace, when grace is spreading throughout the whole world, surrender your life and your heart to the Lord, so that the Lord may heal them with His grace. Only with pure hearts will you be able to experience the birth of Jesus anew in you, and the light of His birth will illuminate your life. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."

Dec 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
I am carrying my Son Jesus to you to fill your hearts with peace, because He is peace. Little children, seek Jesus in the silence of your heart that He be born anew. The world needs Jesus, therefore seek Him through prayer, because He gives Himself daily to each of you." Today Our Lady came solemnly dressed with little Jesus in her arms. Jesus extended His hand in a sign of blessing as Our Lady prayed over us in Aramaic..”

Nov 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
May this time be interwoven with prayer for peace and good deeds, so that the joy of the expectation of the King of Peace may be felt in your hearts, families and in the world which does not have hope. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Oct 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
Winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness are blowing through the earth to destroy lives. That is why the Most High sent me to you, to lead you towards the way of peace and unity with God and people. You, little children, are my extended hands: pray, fast and offer sacrifices for peace - the treasure for which every heart yearns. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Oct 20, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Ivan

"Dear children!
Today I invite you to pray for peace. At this time, peace is threatened in a special way, and I ask you to renew fasting and prayer in your families and to encourage others to pray for peace. Dear children, I want you to understand the seriousness of the situation and that much of what will happen depends on your prayer and perseverance. Dear children, I am with you and I invite you to seriously start praying and fasting, Thank you for responding to my call.

Sep 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
I am calling you to strong prayer. Modernism wants to enter into your thoughts and steal from you the joy of prayer and of meeting with Jesus. Therefore, my dear little children, renew prayer in your families, so that my motherly heart may be joyful as in the first days, when I had chosen you, and day and night prayer resounded -- and Heaven was not silent but abundantly bestowed peace and blessing on this place of grace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Aug 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. May your hearts, little children, be raised in prayer towards Heaven, so that your heart may feel the God of love who heals you and loves you with immeasurable love. That is why I am with you, to lead you on the way of conversion of heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Jul 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
In this time of grace, in which the Most High sends me to you to love you and guide you on the way of conversion, offer your prayers and sacrifices for all those who are far away and have not come to know God's love. You, little children, be witnesses of love and peace for all peaceless hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Jun 25, 2023
Our Lady's Annual Message to Ivanka

The apparition, which lasted 7 minutes (18:38h - 18:45h), took place at Ivanka’s family home. Only Ivanka’s family was present at the apparition. After the apparition, Ivanka said: Our Lady gave the following message: “Little children, I am in need of your prayers. Pray, pray, pray.”

Jun 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
The Most High permits me to be among you -- to pray for you, to be a Mother to you and to be your refuge. Little children, I am calling you: return to God and to prayer and God will bless you abundantly.Thank you for having responded to my call.”

May 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
I am calling you to go into nature and to pray for the Most High to speak to your heart and that you may feel the power of the Holy Spirit so as to witness the love which God has for every creature. I am with you and intercede for you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Apr 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
I am calling all of you to be carriers of the peace and joy of the risen Jesus for all those who are far from prayer; that the love of Jesus, through your lives, may transform them to a new life of conversion and holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Mar 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
May this time be a time of prayer for you”

Mar 18, 2023
Our Lady's Annual Message to Mirjana

"Dear children,
I am calling you, through prayer and mercy, to come to know my Son all the better; to learn to listen with a pure and open heart; to listen to what my Son is saying to you in order to come to see spiritually. That, as one people of God in communion with my Son, you may bear witness to the truth with your life. Pray, my children, that, together with my Son, you can bring only peace, joy and love to all your brothers and sisters. I am with you and am blessing you with a motherly blessing."

Feb 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
Keep converting and clothe yourselves in penitential garments and in personal, deep prayer; and in humility, seek peace from the Most High. In this time of grace, Satan wants to seduce you; but you, little children, keep looking at my Son and follow Him towards Calvary in renunciation and fasting. I am with you because the Most High permits me to love you and lead you towards the joy of the heart, in faith which grows for all those who love God above all. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Jan 25, 2023
Our Lady's Message to Marija

"Dear children!
Pray with me for peace, because Satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples. Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days by fasting and penance, that God may give you peace. The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition. You, little children, are my hope. Pray with me, that what I began in Fatima and here may be realised. Be prayer and witness peace in your surroundings, and be people of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

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Encounter with St. Padre Pio
by Patty M. Oregon

I was in a pretty rough time in my life in the 1990’s…my husband had left me and money was scarce. I heard that a woman from Portland, Oregon was organizing a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. The cost was $1200 per person. That is the exact amount I had in my checking account. Well, I thought to myself I have nothing to lose, so I wrote out my check and sent it to her.

A few days later I regretted what I had done for now I had no money left to live on. I called the woman in Portland to see if I could get my money back. She truly felt I was called to go on the pilgrimage, and said to me, “No, you have to go. Don’t worry about the money. You need to go.” So after talking with her I decided to go. I still had very little money to live on and realized that I did not even have extra cash to bring with me on the trip to pay for meals. By the grace of God, a friend gave me $20 so that is what I took with me. As it turned out I did not need to use the money for food, so I bought a statue from Medjugorje with it.

I had arrived to Medjugorje and that evening between 4 – 5 p.m. I headed to the church of St. James. I could see all of the confessionals and there were hundreds of people waiting in line – about 20 – 25 people waiting in each line. I thought to myself, I should to go to confession, but the lines were very long and I could not decide if I wanted to wait that long.

 I was standing by the church entrance. Suddenly a man in a brown Franciscan robe with his hood up walked up to me took me by the elbow and started to walk me to the confessional. He asked me, “Would you like me to hear your confession?” He led me to an empty confessional. I could not believe my luck. I was surprised that the crowd of pilgrims from the long lines waiting for confession did not follow us so that their wait time would be shortened.

The confession was simply beautiful. There was a screen between us and I could see the priest as his hood was now down. My confession took about 45 minutes. I told him about how wounded I felt and about the divorce. I told him about my life and my family. I was doubting myself as a good human being. I unloaded my heart to him. Each time he would answer with a beautiful comment like, “You are doing good. Keep it up”. He was very encouraging to me. He was very kind and so compassionate. He kept assuring me that I was a good person and very loved by God.

After I received absolution, I stood up and exited the confessional. There was no one in our line at this confessional. I saw that there was still a very long line of pilgrims waiting in line for the other confessionals. I thought to myself that this was very odd. I waited, but the priest who heard my confession never came out.

I walked back to the church. By this time it was getting dark. A young man handed me a prayer card. As I looked at the prayer card, I realized that it was a picture of the priest who had just heard my confession and given me absolution. It was Padre Pio’s picture on this prayer card.

I have truly been adopted by St. Padre Pio as his spiritual daughter and I will stand outside the gates of Heaven with him until every single spiritual child of St. Padre Pio’s has entered the gates of Heaven. And I'm going to the last place in purgatory and St. Padre Pio and I will work together to get all the suffering souls to heaven and in the end we will shut the door and turn out the lights.